Transformers: Age of Extinction : A new official image from the next installment of the giant robot series Transformers has revealed something unexpected: humans! Yes, we've known that Mark Wahlberg will star alongside young Nicola Peltz and Jack Reynor in Transformers: Age of Extinction, but now we have actual photographic proof that Michael Bay's action sequel will have a human component. Currently in production, the film is heading for release on June 27, 2014. [Collider]
Chappie : Hugh Jackman, currently winning raves for his performance in the intense kidnapping drama Prisoners, is returning to science fiction. He confirmed that he will have a role in Chappie, the next film from writer/director Neill Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium). The film follows a robot, voiced by Sharlto Copley, that is "stolen by two gangsters who plan to use him for their criminal purposes." Jackman will only be shooting for two weeks, so it seems he will play a supporting character of some sort. [Screen Daily]
The Giver : Best-selling pop singer Taylor Swift will add to her acting resume with an appearance in sci-fi drama The Giver under the direction of Philip Noyce (Salt). Based on Lois Lowry's extremely popular young adult book, the story revolves around "a young boy who is selected for life service as the Receiver of Memories." Swift, who appeared briefly in the ensemble comedy Valentine's Day, joins Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep, Brenton Thwaites, and Katie Holmes. Look for the movie in theaters on August 15, 2014. [The Hollywood Reporter]
Philomena Trailer: An audience favorite at the Toronto film festival, Stephen Frears' Philomena stars Judi Dench as a mother looking for the son she gave up for adoption, with Steve Coogan playing a journalist who endeavors to help her. A new trailer effectively showcases the dry humor and winning performances. In a very timely release, the movie will open on Christmas Day. [Yahoo! Movies]
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Ditulis Oleh 7:22 AM
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